Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW – Hochschule für Wirtschaft

Riggenbachstrasse 16 4600 Olten, Switzerland

FHNW School of Business

We educate innovative and responsible managers for a networked and dynamic world.

The School of Business runs five Bachelor of Science and two Master of Science programmes, has six institutes, an international office and two offices for the Asia region.

Our education programms for business professionals which include EXIN certifications are located at the:

Institute for Information Systems

We shape digital change.

The Institute for Information Systems (IWI) has over 50 employees who actively shape digital transformation and support society and our research and practice partners in managing future challenges. In our nine areas of expertise we investigate, research, teach and shape digital change in the business world and society. Our key competence lies in managing complex systems and in the interplay between humans, data, information, knowledge and processes – with artificial intelligence whenever and wherever appropriate.

The programms with EXIN certifications are: 

CAS Cybersecurtiy and Information Risk Management

CAS Agile Leadership in IT