Career Path

EXIN Information Security Officer

The Information Security Officer certification provides the right knowledge and competences for those who are aiming to become or already are an Information Security Officer. When you are certified by EXIN as an Information Security Officer you are extensively tested not only on Information Security Management requirements (based on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard), but also on new requirements such as Data Protection and Blockchain.

Get certified
When you are certified by EXIN as an Information Security Officer you are extensively tested not only on Information Security Management requirements (based on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard) but also on new requirements such as Data Protection and Privacy.

Informationen zur Zertifizierung

The global shortage of information security professionals makes the field of information security one with huge career potential for the future. Due to the increase in security issues that are rising in line with the digitalization of products and services, it’s unlikely that this shortage will end anytime soon. In fact:

Burning Glass found the number of cybersecurity job postings has grown 94% in just six years. By comparison, the number of IT jobs, in general, has grown about 30%. That’s a 300% increase in demand compared to the overall IT job market. Cybersecurity jobs now account for 13% of all information technology jobs. (IBM)

Anyone who decides to create a career for themselves in the IT security sector is set to be part of a fast-growing domain. Within IT, security is the area where the most money has been spent over the past few years and this trend is set to continue:

Worldwide spending on security products and services will enjoy solid growth over the next five years as organizations continue to invest in solutions to meet a wide range of security threats and requirements. (IDC)

As an Information Security Officer, you will be certain to receive enough budget and support for your department given these global developments.

The diagram below shows the path you will need to take to become EXIN Certified Information Security Officer. There are 3 certifications you need to complete successfully before you will be awarded the EXIN ISO title. Two of the certifications focus on Information Security. For the third certification, you can select a specialism from Privacy & Data Protection, Blockchain, and Cyber & IT Security. This makes your EXIN Certified Information Security Officer certification personalized to your needs. The highest level certification also includes practical assignments to ensure that you have the required skills to step straight into the ISO role. This certification has been designed to reflect a career path – it gradually becomes more difficult as you progress through the certifications.

EXIN Information Security Officer is ideal for professionals aspiring to become an Information Security Officer. This makes it ideal for professionals who have made a start in data privacy or information security but would like more support and direction in their career development. As the certifications can be taken one by one, professionals can work towards becoming an EXIN Information Security Officer over a longer period of time. It is especially well suited to professionals who already have one of the certifications required as they then only have to attain the other certifications in the career path to receive the EXIN Information Security Officer certification.


Become an EXIN Information Security Officer

The certified professionals will be able to use and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the career path and put them into practice when taking up the role of Information Security Officer. The combination of Information Security and your choice of Privacy & Data Protection, Cyber & IT Security or Blockchain will provide professionals with the theoretical knowledge of security and how to apply the regulations and best practices in their organization.

Career Path Structure

To give candidates a good, solid understanding to build on, the Certified Information Security Officer certification starts with the foundation module of the Information Security Management program plus one more EXIN Foundation certification. Candidates can choose from 3 different EXIN modules related to security.

EXIN Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001

EXIN Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001

EXIN Information Security Foundation is suitable for all professionals who deal with confidential information. It creates a solid basis for higher-level certification.

EXIN Blockchain Foundation

EXIN Blockchain Foundation

The EXIN Blockchain Foundation certification validates a professional’s knowledge about blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets.

EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation

EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation

Privacy & Data Protection Foundation is designed for all who need to have an understanding of data protection and GDPR.

EXIN Cyber and IT Security Foundation

EXIN Cyber and IT Security Foundation

The EXIN Cyber & IT Security Foundation certification builds IT professionals’ knowledge and understanding of the technical background surrounding digital security.

The last certification is the specialist level Information Security Management certification that includes practical assignments so that candidates get to experience what is asked of an ISO and to test their skills before putting them into practice in real-life situations.

EXIN Information Security Management Professional based on ISO/IEC 27001

EXIN Information Security Management Professional based on ISO/IEC 27001

Information is crucial for the continuity and proper functioning of both individual organizations and the economies they fuel; this information must be protected against access by unauthorized people, protected against accidental or malicious modification or destruction and must be available when it is needed.

How do I become an EXIN Information Security Officer?

After completing the three required certifications, you will automatically be awarded the EXIN Information Security Officer certification. To get started, please go to the Get Certified tool and select the certification you wish to attain first. If you would like to find out more information, please contact our support team.


You can check on this file the exceptions that can be used to achieve this EXIN Career Path certification. Note that only one exception can be applied for each of the EXIN Career Path certifications