The EXIN Agile Scrum Master is a unique certification that combines understanding of agile principles and applying scrum practices. It tests the competences required to facilitate, coach and enable a cross-functional team as a Scrum Master.
The certification is suitable for professionals working in an Agile context and who have the ambition to facilitate a Scrum Team by assuming the role of a Scrum Master.
Agile Way of Thinking Scrum Master Role Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring and Control Complex Projects Adopting Agile
For all languages except Chinese, Dutch, German and Japanese: The EXIN Handbook for Scrum Masters & Product Owners
For the Chinese exam: EXIN Scrum Master & Product Owner 指南
For the Dutch exam: Het EXIN Handboek voor Scrum Masters & Product Owners
For the German exam: Das EXIN Handbuch für Scrum Masters und Product Owners
For the Japanese exam: スクラムマスターとプロダクトオーナーのための EXIN ハンドブック(日本語)