The EXIN BCS Agile Business Analysis Professional assesses competence with regards to the philosophy, methods, principles, and techniques of the Agile approach and its relevance to business analysis.
This certification is relevant for anyone who needs to understand the Agile approach from a business perspective. This includes business architects, business analysts, project managers and business managers.
You will be able to:
A. Lynda Girvan and Debra Paul Agile and Business Analysis BCS Learning and Development Ltd (March 2017) ISBN: 978 1780173221
B. Debra Paul and James Cadle Business Analysis 4th Edition BCS Learning and Development Ltd (July 2020) ISBN: 978 1780175102
C. Scott Ambler and Mark Lines Disciplined Agile Delivery IBM Press (May 2012) ISBN: 978 0132810135
D. Mike Cohn User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development Addison Wesley (March 2004) ISBN: 978 0321205681
E. Agile Manifesto
F. Scrum Alliance
G. Peter Checkland Systems Thinking, Systems Practice: Includes a 30-Year Retrospective John Wiley and Sons Ltd (July 1999) ISBN: 978 0471986065
H. Hunter Hastings and Jeff Saperstein Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities Business Expert Press (January 2014) ISBN: 978 1606496626
I. Agile Business Consortium
J. Dr. Winston W. Royce Managing the Development of Large Software Systems on_royce.pdf