Fox IT Service Management South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Postnet Suite 85
Private Bag X7
Aston Manor
1630, South Africa

Fox ITSM has headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa and Accredited Partners in neighbouring SADC Countries. We are a leading independent specialist supplier of IT Governance and Service Management Consulting, Training and Solutions.

The company has been at the forefront of practical implementation and training of governance and Service Management techniques since its inception. Furthermore, Fox ITSM has also established an ever expanding partner delivery network enabling the delivery of our products and services across the continent.

Our IT Governance and Service Management Training and Consulting are underpinned by world-class Service Management and Governance frameworks, standards, concepts and practices based on a range of industry best practices including the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®), SIAM (Service Integration & Management) ISO/IEC 20000, DevOPS, AgilePM & AgileBA (Agile Project Management and Business Analysis), AgileDS (Agile Digital Services), Organisational Change Management, Business Relationship Management and the Governance and Management framework COBIT®.

Available Certifications