EXIN BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis covers a range of fundamental knowledge needed for a business analysis role. This includes the roles and competencies required as well as strategic analysis, business system, process modeling, and business case development.
This foundation-level certification is beneficial to IT professionals who require solid background knowledge of business analysis. It is especially relevant to business analysts, project managers, and business or business change managers.
What is Business Analysis The Competencies of a Business Analyst Strategy Analysis The Business Analysis Process Model Investigation Techniques Stakeholder Analysis and Management Modelling Business Processes Defining the Solution Making a Business and Financial Case Establishing the Requirements Documenting and Managing the Requirements Modelling Requirements Delivering the Requirements Delivering the Business Solution
Debra Paul, James Cadle, Malcolm Eva, Craig Rollason, Jonathan Hunsley Business Analysis BCS Learning & Development (4th edition, July 2020) ISBN: 978 1 78017 510 2 (hardcopy) ISBN: 978 1 78017 512 6 (eBook) http://shop.bcs.org